Results for 'Hugo De Fer'

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  1.  8
    The metaphysics of inventiveness.Hugo De Fer - 1975 - Albuquerque: American Classical College Press.
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    Jewish ethics & Catholic doctrine.Hugo De Fer - 1972 - Albuquerque, N.M.]: American Classical College Press.
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    New principles in agricultural plantbreeding.Hugo de Vries - 1907 - The Monist 17 (2):209 - 219.
  4.  12
    Uma chave de leitura para os ensaios de Marcuse na ZfS (1937-1941).Victor Hugo de Oliveira Saldanha - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (81):1633-1669.
    Resumo: O presente artigo apresenta uma epítome da dissertação “Os pressupostos filosóficos e os imperativos fundamentais da teoria crítica incipiente de Herbert Marcuse: em torno dos ensaios da ZfS (1937-1941). (SALDANHA, 2020)”. Essa pesquisa buscou identificar os traços distintivos da teoria crítica que Marcuse esboça nos ensaios publicados na Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung entre 1937-1941, tendo acedido a duas conclusões gerais: 1) que essa teoria se baseia em dois pressupostos filosóficos maiores, a saber, a dialética hegeliana e a crítica de economia (...)
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    Um olhar sobre o Projeto Político-Pedagógico à luz do sociointeracionismo de Vygotsky: um estudo de caso no município de Barro Preto-BA.Hugo de Souza Lima de Oliveira, Juliane Freire dos Santos & Adriana David Ferreira Gusmão - 2024 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 18 (32):79-90.
    Este trabalho consistiu na análise do Projeto Político Pedagógico (PPP) de uma escola do município de Barro Preto (BA), realizada sob a ótica da abordagem sociointeracionista, no qual buscamos identificar indícios que pudessem evidenciar a preocupação com o desenvolvimento cognitivo do estudante, que segundo Vygotsky (1998), é construído, em parte, pelo processo de maturação do sujeito, mas, também, por meio das influências sociais. Foi realizada uma pesquisa documental e a análise demonstrou que a escola defende o sociointeracionismo de Vygotsky no (...)
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    Fertilization and hybridization.C. Stuart Gager & Hugo de Vries - 1909 - The Monist 19 (4):514 - 555.
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    T(w)alking responsibility: A case of CSR performativity during the COVID‐19 pandemic.Hugo Letiche, Ivo De Loo & Jean-Luc Moriceau - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (S3):166-178.
    This paper centers on a case study of CSR performativity during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the extant CSR literature, CSR performativity has focused on “walking the talk” and/or “talking the walk,” wherein narrative and action around CSR are typically treated as two different things with their relationships questioned. We focus on what has been called “t(w)alking” wherein speech is understood to be performative and wherein speech acts and CSR are merged, becoming one and the same thing. Performativity then entails what (...)
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  8. Comentários sobre a perspectiva do conceito de “superação” no aforismo I Das notas heideggerianas intitulaDas superação da metafísica.Victor Hugo de Oliveira Marques - 2017 - Synesis 9 (2):78-93.
    O presente artigo é uma discussão sobre a noção heideggeriana de Überwindung. Seu objetivo é duplo: por um lado, [1] mostrar a perspectiva que tal termo deve ser compreendido; por outro, [2] aprofundar esta perspectiva à luz de comentários ao aforismo I do texto Überwindung der Metaphysik. Para tanto, duas questões são postas: em que perspectiva e que questões estão implícitas quando Heidegger propõe o projeto da Überwindung der Metaphysik?; e por que uma Überwindung contém em si tantos problemas? De (...)
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    A presença de traços existencialistas nas noções de dignidade E liberdade encontradas na oratio de pico Della mirandola.Victor Hugo de Oliveira Marques - 2015 - Synesis 7 (2):144-165.
    O presente artigo objetiva, ao revisitar a obra Oratio de hominis dignitate composta pelo humanista renascentista Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola, um duplo intento: sustentar que as noções de dignidade e liberdade, presentes nessa obra, se distanciam do pensamento cristão tradicional, de modo crítico, justamente porque derivam de uma leitura filosófica da teologia cristã da criação; e mostrar que a conclusão a respeito da noção de liberdade apresentada por Sartre no pensamento contemporâneo pode ser encontrada de modo germinal, guardada as devidas (...)
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  10.  16
    Entrevista com Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Duarte.Rafael Cordeiro Silva, Ana Paula de Ávila Gomide, João Paulo Andrade Dias & Victor Hugo de Oliveira Saldanha Saldanha - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (81):1525-1540.
    Entrevista realizada em outubro de 2023 por Rafael Cordeiro Silva, Ana Paula de Ávila Gomide, João Paulo Andrade Dias, Victor Hugo de Oliveira Saldanha e concedida a Educação e Filosofia para publicação no v. 37, n. 81, p. 1727-1740, set./dez. 2023, como parte integrante do Dossiê Teoria Crítica 100 Anos organizado por Prof. Dr. Rafael Cordeiro Silva, Prof. Drª. Ana Paula de Ávila Gomide e Prof. Dr. Sertório de Amorim e Silva Neto, e também publicado nesta mesma edição.
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    Inf'ncias negras no contexto escolar.Hugo de Souza Lima de Oliveira - 2024 - Odeere 9 (2):382-386.
    A presente resenha tem por objetivo descrever o livro "Infâncias Negras: vivências e lutas por uma vida justa", o qual celebra a resiliência, a criatividade, resistência e agência das crianças negras, mostrando como elas encontram formas de se afirmar, se fortalecer e se empoderar em meio às adversidades sociais e em seu contexto escolar.
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    Monkeys Share the Human Ability to Internally Maintain a Temporal Rhythm.Otto García-Garibay, Jaime Cadena-Valencia, Hugo Merchant & Victor de Lafuente - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Para além do corpo belo: notas sobre corpo e educação a partir da leitura foucaultiana do Alcibíades.Avelino Aldo de Lima Neto & Hugo Filgueiras de Araújo - 2018 - Educação E Filosofia 32 (64).
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    Reasoning about update logic.Jan van Eijck & Fer-Jan de Vries - 1995 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 24 (1):19-45.
    Logical frameworks for analysing the dynamics of information processing abound [4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 14, 20, 22]. Some of these frameworks focus on the dynamics of the interpretation process, some on the dynamics of the process of drawing inferences, and some do both of these. Formalisms galore, so it is felt that some conceptual streamlining would pay off.This paper is part of a larger scale enterprise to pursue the obvious parallel between information processing and imperative programming. We demonstrate that (...)
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  15.  51
    A perception philosophy in Plato.Hugo Filgueiras de Araújo - 2012 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 13:109-114.
    O presente trabalho defende, na filosofia platônica, a hipótese das Formas tem como escopo explicar os sensíveis e a sensibilidade, e não rechaçá-los, como fora pregado pela tradição. No Teeteto , Sócrates chega a analisar exaustivamente a possibilidade de a sensação ser encarada como conhecimento; no Fédon , no argumento da reminiscência, o mestre admite que para haver aprendizado/recordação é necessário que haja duas experiências cognitivas correlatas e mutuamente necessárias: a percepção sensível ( aísthesis ) que suscita a anamnese e (...)
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    An Extensive Comparative Analysis of Successful and Unsuccessful Football Teams in LaLiga.Diego Brito de Souza, Roberto López-Del Campo, Hugo Blanco-Pita, Ricardo Resta & Juan Del Coso - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  17.  45
    Dynamic interpretation and Hoare deduction.Jan Van Eijck & Fer-Jan De Vries - 1992 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 1 (1):1-44.
  18.  15
    Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation.Hugo De Vries & D. T. Macdougal - 1905 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 2 (16):438-441.
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    Species and Varieties.Hugo de Vries & D. T. Macdougal - 1905 - Philosophical Review 14 (3):354-360.
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    Implementing structured, multiprofessional medical ethical decision-making in a neonatal intensive care unit.Jacoba de Boer, Geja van Blijderveen, Gert van Dijk, Hugo J. Duivenvoorden & Monique Williams - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (10):596-601.
    Background In neonatal intensive care, a child's death is often preceded by a medical decision. Nurses, social workers and pastors, however, are often excluded from ethical case deliberation. If multiprofessional ethical case deliberations do take place, participants may not always know how to perform to the fullest. Setting A level-IIID neonatal intensive care unit of a paediatric teaching hospital in the Netherlands. Methods Structured multiprofessional medical ethical decision-making (MEDM) was implemented to help overcome problems experienced. Important features were: all professionals (...)
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  21.  20
    Is Motor Milestone Assessment in Infancy Valid and Scaled Equally Across Sex, Birth Weight, and Gestational Age? Findings From the Millennium Cohort Study.Denise de Almeida Maia, Farid Bardid, Tobias Koch, Paola Okuda, George Ploubidis, Anders Nordahl-Hansen, Michael Eid & Hugo Cogo-Moreira - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Is the assessment of motor milestones valid and scaled equivalently for all infants? It is not only important to understand if the way we use gross and fine motor scores are appropriate for monitoring motor milestones but also to determine if these scores are confounded by specific infant characteristics. Therefore, the aim of the study is to investigate the latent structure underlying motor milestone assessment in infancy and measurement invariance across sex, birth weight, and gestational age. For this study, the (...)
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  22. Espèces et variétés.Hugo De Vries & L. Blaringhem - 1909 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 67:529-532.
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  23.  84
    Evolution and mutation.Hugo De Vries - 1907 - The Monist 17 (1):6 - 22.
  24.  69
    The probable origin of oenothera lamarckiana ser.Hugo De Vries - 1914 - The Monist 24 (4):594 - 607.
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    Sensopercepção, Amor e Saber: Revisitando o Ascetismo Platônico.Hugo Filgueiras de Araújo & Jéssyca Aragão Freitas - 2024 - Revista Dialectus 34 (34):153-163.
    A partir de uma leitura integrada dos diálogos Fédon e Banquete, pretendemos revisar a interpretação tradicional de Platão como um filósofo que despreza o corpo e os sentidos, demonstrando que a filosofia platônica entrelaça amor, sensopercepção e saber. No Fédon, destacamos a importância das sensopercepções para a anamnese. No Banquete, apresentamos Éros como um impulso inerente à constituição humana, cujo desejo pelas coisas belas é capaz de elevar os indivíduos à contemplação das formas inteligíveis. Através da abordagem desses diálogos, torna-se (...)
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  26. The origin of the mutation theory.Hugo De Vries - 1917 - The Monist 27 (3):403 - 410.
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  27.  42
    The 21st. Century Artilect: Moral Dilemmas Concerning the Ultra Intelligent Machine.Hugo De Garis - 1990 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 44 (172):131-138.
  28.  4
    Technique as utopia and ideology: a reading of Bacon’s New Atlantis.Hugo Estevam Moraes de Sousa - 2024 - Griot 24 (3):268-284.
    This paper aims to discuss technique as utopia and ideology based on Bacon’s New Atlantis. First, it will be necessary to establish the meaning of utopia and ideology. The philosophical thought of Paul Ricoeur is the theoretical basis. On the one hand, Utopia is characterized by a critique of establishment and proposes other ways of exercising power. On the other hand, ideology intends to maintain a status quo. Thus, it will be possible to analyze Bacon's New Atlantis, regarding on it (...)
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  29. Under influence.Frédérique De Vignemont & Hugo Mercier - unknown
    In many circumstances we tend to assume that other people believe or desire what we ourselves believe or desire. This has been labeled 'egocentric bias.' This is not to say that we systematically fail to understand other people and forget that they can have a different perspective. If it were the case, then it would be highly difficult, if not impossible, to communicate, cooperate or compete with them. In those situations, we need to take the other person's perspective and to (...)
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  30. Actividad antimicrobiana del extracto fluido de la planta Gnaphalium SPP (Gordolobo).Huerta de la Luz Ilze Jacqueline, Liga Nuño Natalia, Velázquez Órnelas Oscar, Adolfo Sepúlveda Medina & Biol Víctor Hugo López Benítez - 2006 - Episteme 2 (8-9).
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    Fertilization and Hybridization.Hugo de Vries - 1909 - The Monist 19 (4):514-555.
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  32.  21
    Philosophical research in Brazil: A structural topic modeling approach with a focus on temporal and gender trends.Marcos Fanton, Hugo Ribeiro Mota, Carolina de Melo Bomfim Araújo, Mitieli Seixas da Silva & Raquel Canuto - 2024 - Metaphilosophy 55 (3):457-501.
    This paper employs structural topic modeling (STM) to describe the academic philosophy landscape in Brazil. Based on a public national database, a corpus consisting of 12,515 abstracts of monographs defended in philosophy graduate programs between 1991 and 2021 was compiled. The final STM model identified 74 meaningful research topics, clustered into 7 thematic categories. This study discusses the prevalence of the most significant topics and categories, their trends across three decades, and their (positive or negative) association with the supervisor's gender. (...)
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  33.  18
    An innovative framework for supporting content-based authorship identification and analysis in social media networks.José Gaviria de la Puerta, Iker Pastor-López, Alberto Tellaeche, Borja Sanz, Hugo Sanjurjo-González, Alfredo Cuzzocrea & Pablo G. Bringas - 2024 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (4):589-604.
    Content-based authorship identification is an emerging research problem in online social media networks, due to a wide collection of issues ranging from security to privacy preservation, from radicalization to defamation detection, and so forth. Indeed, this research has attracted a relevant amount of attention from the research community during the past years. The general problem becomes harder when we consider the additional constraint of identifying the same false profile over different social media networks, under obvious considerations. Inspired by this emerging (...)
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  34.  25
    A New Conceptual ‘Cylinder’ Framework for Sustainable Bioeconomy Systems and Their Actors.Monique Axelos, Mechthild Donner & Hugo de Vries - 2021 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 34 (2):1-26.
    Concepts for sustainable bioeconomy systems are gradually replacing the ones on linear product chains. The reason is that continuously expanding linear chain activities are considered to contribute to climate change, reduced biodiversity, over-exploitation of resources, food insecurity, and the double burden of disease. Are sustainable bioeconomy systems a guarantee for a healthy planet? If yes, why, when, and how? In literature, different sustainability indicators have been presented to shed light on this complicated question. Due to high degrees of complexity and (...)
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  35.  19
    The psychosomatics attributes in Plato’s Timaeus and Charmides: disease and health of man.Hugo Filgueiras de Araújo - 2023 - ARGUMENTOS - Revista de Filosofia 30:7-22.
    The paper analyzes in Plato the integration/συναμφότερον between the human soul and body in Charmides and Timaeus exploring the ideas of health/ὑγίεια and disease/νόσος and how they originate in man. The thesis is that in Plato’s thought there is a strong presence of an integrated view of man, the relationship between the constitutive instances (soul and body) being psychosomatic, since both suffer (πάσχω) influence from each other. The nuances of the soulbody relationship are also considered with regard to the psychophysical (...)
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  36.  3
    Quantale Valued Sets: Categorical Constructions and Properties.José G. Alvim, Hugo L. Mariano & Caio de A. Mendes - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-54.
    This work mainly concerns the—here introduced—category of \(\mathscr {Q}\) -sets and functional morphisms, where \(\mathscr {Q}\) is a commutative semicartesian quantale. We prove it enjoys all limits and colimits, that it has a classifier for regular subobjects (a sort of truth-values object), which we characterize and give explicitly. Moreover: we prove it to be \(\kappa \) -locally presentable, (where \(\kappa =max\{|\mathscr {Q}|^+, \aleph _0\}\) ); we also describe a hierarchy of monoidal structures in this category.
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  37.  7
    Das phänomen des krieges in den auffassungen der philosophien: der aufklärung und der englischen wirtschaftsklassik..Fritz Oskar Höfer - 1936 - Coburg,: Gedruckt im Tageblatt-haus.
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  38.  8
    Bürgerliche Gesellschaft und Staat: zur Rekonstruktion von Marx' Theorie und Kritik des Staates.Márcio Egídio Schäfer - 2018 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Cultuuroverdracht en concertbezoek.Hugo de Jager - 1967 - Leiden: H. E. Stenfert Kroese.
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  40.  42
    Hugo de Vries and the rediscovery of Mendel's laws.Malcolm J. Kottler - 1979 - Annals of Science 36 (5):517-538.
    Hugo de Vries claimed that he had discovered Mendel's laws before he found Mendel's paper. De Vries's first ratios, published in 1897, for the second generation of hybrids were 2/3:1/3 and 80%:20%. By 1900, both of these ratios had become 3:1. These changing ratios suggest that as late as 1897 de Vries had not discovered the laws, although he asserted, from 1900 on, that he had found the laws in 1896. An Appendix details de Vries's Mendelian experiments as described (...)
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  41.  23
    Bergmann, Hugo, Dr. phil. Untersuchungen zum Problem der Evidenz der inneren Wahrnehmung.Hugo Bergmann - 1908 - Kant Studien 13 (1-3).
  42. Philosophical Research in Brazil: A Structural Topic Modeling Approach with a Focus on Temporal and Gender Trends.Marcos Fanton, Hugo Mota, Carolina de Melo Bomfim Araújo, Mitieli Seixas da Silva & Raquel Canuto - forthcoming - Metaphilosophy.
    [This is a pre-print; please cite the published version] This paper employs structural topic modeling (STM) to describe the academic philosophy landscape in Brazil. Based on a public national database, a corpus consisting of 12,515 abstracts of monographs defended in philosophy graduate programs between 1991 and 2021 was compiled. The final STM model identified 74 meaningful research topics, clustered into 7 thematic categories. This study discusses the prevalence of the most significant topics and categories, their trends across three decades, and (...)
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  43.  24
    (1 other version)La fenomenología de la percepción en Spinoza.Zachary Hugo - 2018 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 74:91-108.
    ResumenEn este artículo desafío la aseveración sostenida por Peden (2014) y Brandt (2011) de que la filosofía de Spinoza es esencialmente incompatible con ciertas posiciones fundamentales de la fenomenología. Contra eso, sostengo que lo que Spinoza llama la imaginación se asemeja a la percepción en la fenomenología de Merleau-Ponty. Se justifica esa tesis a partir de una lectura semiótico-hermenéutica de la teoría de la imaginación spinozista, la cual permite ver ciertas semejanzas entre las epistemologías de percepción entre estos respectivos filósofos. (...)
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  44. Hugo grotius, moral scepticism and the use of arguments in utramque partem.Hugo Grotius - 2011 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 56 (3):145-166.
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    Grundzüge der Geschichte des Begriffs "Vorstellung" von Wolff bis Kant.Carl Knüfer - 1911 - New York: G. Olms.
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  46.  10
    Évangélisme et « combat spirituel » à Singapour.Yannick Fer - 2024 - Multitudes 95 (2):116-123.
    L’engagement évangélique à Singapour transforme le rapport pratique à la politique et les modalités de l’action missionnaire. Sans renoncer à certains combats – notamment autour des « valeurs familiales » – l’évangélisme local a dû se plier à une régulation étatique contraignante. Ses dirigeants ont eux-mêmes intériorisé l’idéologie officielle de « l’harmonie religieuse » comme une des composantes d’un ordre social conservateur, incarné depuis l’indépendance par le gouvernement du People’s Action Party. Cette affinité idéologique a néanmoins buté à partir de (...)
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  47.  56
    (1 other version)Probleme des Existenzbegriffes.Hugo Bergmann - 1950 - Theoria 16 (1):21-35.
  48.  8
    Attention orientation to pleasantness and depressive symptomatology predict autonomic reactivity.Stéphane Ranfaing, Lucas De Zorzi, Jacques Honoré, Hugo Critchley & Henrique Sequeira - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion:1-11.
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  49. Sterilität des Reinen : Spannungsfeld von Reinheit, Kontamination, Sterilität und Krankheit.Walter Bauhöfer - 2001 - In Norbert Haas, Rainer Nägele, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger & Gerhard Herrgott (eds.), Kontamination. Eggingen: Edition Isele.
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  50.  41
    Assessing the feasibility of biological control of locusts and grasshoppers in West Africa: Incorporating the farmers' perspective. [REVIEW]Hugo De Groote, Orou-Kobi Douro-Kpindou, Zakaria Ouambama, Comlan Gbongboui, Dieter Müller, Serge Attignon & Chris Lomer - 2001 - Agriculture and Human Values 18 (4):413-428.
    A participatory rural appraisal inthree West African countries examined thepossibility for replacing chemical pesticidesto control locusts and grasshoppers with abiological control method based on anindigenous fungal pathogen. The fungus iscurrently being tested at different sites inthe Sahel and in the humid tropics of WestAfrica. Structured group interviews, individualdiscussions, and field visits, were used toobtain farmers' perceptions of locust andgrasshoppers as crop pests, their quantitativeestimation of crop losses, and theirwillingness to pay for locust control. Farmersas well as plant protection officers generallyperceived (...)
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